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[retinaiconbox icon=”file-alt” color=”#999999″ title=”Digital Strategy”]The web is much more than cool code that produces flashy graphics. Everything that you produce must have business value.[gap]Learn more →[/retinaiconbox][/one_third]
[retinaiconbox icon=”hdd” color=”#999999″ title=”User Experience”]Your web presence goes nowhere if your users can’t find what they need quickly. Customers demand a pleasant user experience.[gap]Learn more →[/retinaiconbox][/one_third]
[retinaiconbox icon=”comment-alt” color=”#999999″ title=”Content Strategy”]Content is still King on the web.However, writing for the web is a different animal than writing for print.[gap]Learn more →[/retinaiconbox][/one_third_last]
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Advice on Digital Strategy, User Experience, and Content Strategy
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Are you looking for advice on digital strategy? Do you need to engage today’s connected customers? If so, this blog is where Rudy Duke dispenses insights and solutions to business challenges.
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[box style=”1″]I would love to hear from you. I am constantly looking for other ideas – even ones that are polar opposites from mine[gap height=”10″][/box][/one_half_last]